New Jersey

Presidential Election – Nov 5th, 2024

This has been a deep blue state that Biden won in 2020 and Clinton won in 2016. However, as of June 2024, Trump is leading in the polls, making New Jersey now a PURPLE state that is potentially up for grabs in 2024.

Latest Opinion Polling Results in New Jersey:

stateTrumpBidenother/DK% gapdate
New Jersey41%40%19%1%June-28
Source: 270toWin polling averages by state:

Election Results in 2020:

TrumpBidenWon by% gap
Source: Federal Election Commission

Election Results in 2016:

TrumpClintonWon by:% gap
Source: US Census Bureau, Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2016

In New Jersey, it is no longer safe to vote for a third-party candidate in the general election, without fear that this will help get Trump back into the White House.

If you want your vote to count as a vote to survive, please consider vote-swapping in New Jersey…

Vote Swapping

Are you willing help ensure that Trump does not get back into the White House by voting for Joe Biden in New Jersey in exchange someone in a solidly blue or red state voting for your preferred third-party candidate? If you’d like to know more, click here.

Register to vote:

New JerseyOct. 13Oct. 13Oct. 13

Vote by mail:

New JerseyOct. 27November 3

Vote in person:

StatePolls_open_amPolls_close_pmFind your polling place
New Jersey68
Note: Times may vary, always check locally. Source:

AND, your most powerful contribution to this election may not be your own vote, but the vote of a friend, relative, colleague, former neighbor, or somebody else you know who does live in a “battleground” state. You may be the one person who can convince that person to vote, and to vote for our survival, at this election.

Click here for more ideas and help in convincing a friend or relative to vote.

Senate Race

This is Democrat-held Senate seat and the Republicans are unlikely to take it. Nevertheless, this election is not just about Donald Trump. So long as Mitch McConnell retains control of the Senate, a President Biden will be able to achieve very little in office. We need to end McConnell’s tyranny of the Senate on November 3rd. So please use your vote to keep this seat blue.

A vote for Cory Booker is a vote for survival!

House Races

The best we can hope for in 2020 at the Presidential and Senate levels is to get rid of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell so that we will at least survive the next four years. But in the medium term, we need to elect politicians who support the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, the Nuclear Ban Treaty and other real, sustainable solutions to the global threats facing us all.

Luckily, we already have over 100 such politicians in the House of Representatives. We need to make sure they get re-elected, and we need to elect more of them!

If you live in one of these US Congressional Districts, you have a progressive member of Congress to support!

District 1 – Norcross

District 3 – Kim

District 6 – Pallone

District 12 – Watson Coleman