The US elections in 2024 are crucial for our survival as a planet
What is at stake in this election is the survival of our planet:
- What will be done to address the climate crisis, will it be enough, and will it be in time?
- What will be done about the growing threat posed by nuclear weapons?
The Presidential Race
We simply cannot afford to let Donald Trump back in the White House. But we also cannot afford 4 more years of what we’ve had under the Biden administration. There must be other options for the voters of this country. AND THERE ARE!
- Vote for Jill Stein or another third party candidate if you live in a “safe” Red or Blue state. Send a clear message that we don’t just want business as usual. We want to survive!
- Swap your vote if you live in a Purple “battleground” state. Keep Trump out of the White House by voting for Kamala Harris in the only states that matter. But swap your vote with someone in a Red or Blue state to send a clear message: we don’t want Trump but we also don’t want business as usual. We want to survive!
Senate Races
Letting Republicans take back control of the Senate would be a disaster. But we also need Democratic Senators who are going to fight for our survival!
House Races
Democrats have a good chance to take back control of the House. But we don’t just need more Democrats in Congress, we need more PROGRESSIVE Democrats, who will fight for our survival!