Time to Go, Joe!

Joe Biden was on course to lose this election long before his dismal performance on the national debate stage Thursday night. For months, Biden has had the lowest approval ratings of any President in modern history. According to the website fivethirtyeight.com, Biden’s approval rating as of June 24th stood at 39.9%, below Donald Trump at… Continue reading Time to Go, Joe!

Ceasefire in Gaza!

Joe Biden continues to resist calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as does Dean Phillips, who is running against him in the Democratic primaries. The only candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination that supports the call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza is Marianne Williamson. Williamson has admitted her sympathies originally sided with the… Continue reading Ceasefire in Gaza!

Marianne Williamson signs nuclear abolition pledge

January 21, 2024: US Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson today took time out of her busy schedule ahead of Tuesday’s presidential primary election in New Hampshire to sign a pledge to abolish nuclear weapons. The pledge states that, “if elected President, I will sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons [TPNW, or Nuclear… Continue reading Marianne Williamson signs nuclear abolition pledge

The Youth Vote Will Decide This Election

Photos taken at the Global Climate Strike in London on Friday 15th March 2019.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton got nearly 3 million more votes nationwide than Donald Trump. But Trump won the electoral college vote by narrowly winning in just three states: Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. In Michigan, Trump beat Clinton by just 10,704 votes, thus capturing all 16 of Michigan’s electoral college votes. More than 500,000 young people… Continue reading The Youth Vote Will Decide This Election